Translations: the word in the other languages
- Afrikaans: ongetwyfelde
- Amharic: undoubted
- Arabic: لا شك
- Azerbaijani: mübahisəsiz
- Bashkir: бәхәсһеҙ
- Belarusian: несумнеўным
- Bulgarian: безспорният
- Bengali: সন্দেহাতীত
- Bosnian: nesumnjiv
- Catalan: indubtable
- Cebuano: dili kadudahan
- Czech: nepochybné
- Welsh: diamheuol
- Danish: utvivlsomme
- German: unbestritten
- Greek: αδιαμφισβήτητη
- Esperanto: senduba
- Spanish: indudable
- Estonian: kahtlemata
- Basque: zalantzarik
- Persian: بدون شک
- Finnish: kiistaton
- French: incontestable
- Irish: gan amhras
- Scottish Gaelic: undoubted
- Galician: indubidable
- Gujarati: અસંદિગ્ધ
- Hebrew: מוטלת בספק
- Hindi: ज़ाहिर
- Croatian: nesumnjiv
- Haitian: enkontèstabl
- Hungarian: kétségtelen
- Armenian: անառարկելի
- Indonesian: tidak diragukan lagi
- Icelandic: tvímælalaust
- Italian: indubbio
- Japanese: 紛れも
- Javanese: undoubted entuk
- Georgian: ეჭვის თვალით უყურებენ
- Kazakh: күмәнсіз
- Khmer: ច្នោះ
- Kannada: ನಿಸ್ಸಂದೇಹವಾದ
- Korean: 확실한
- Kyrgyz: несомненным
- Latin: undoubted
- Luxembourgish: unbestritten
- Lao: undoubted
- Lithuanian: neabejotina
- Latvian: neapšaubāms
- Malagasy: undoubted
- Mari: чын
- Maori: undoubted
- Macedonian: несомнени
- Malayalam: undoubted
- Mongolian: undoubted
- Marathi: निश्चित
- Hill Mari: обязательны
- Malay: tidak diragukan
- Maltese: bla dubju
- Burmese: undoubted
- Nepali: undoubted
- Dutch: ongetwijfeld
- Norwegian: utvilsomme
- Punjabi: ਨਿਰਸੰਦੇਹ
- Papiamento: inmueble
- Polish: niewątpliwym
- Portuguese: indubitável
- Romanian: incontestabil
- Russian: несомненным
- Sinhalese: නිසැකව ම කළ
- Slovak: nespornou
- Slovenian: nedvomno
- Albanian: padyshimtë
- Serbian: несумњива
- Sundanese: undoubted
- Swedish: obestridliga
- Swahili: undoubted
- Tamil: சந்தேகத்திற்கிடமற்ற
- Telugu: undoubted
- Tajik: бегуноҳ
- Thai: undoubted
- Tagalog: tinatanggap na tama o totoo
- Turkish: kuşkusuz
- Tatar: несомненным
- Udmurt: верантэм
- Ukrainian: безперечною
- Urdu: واضح
- Uzbek: so'zsiz
- Vietnamese: không thể ngờ được
- Xhosa: undoubted
- Yiddish: אַנדאַוטיד
- Chinese: 勿庸置疑的
Synonyms, close and similar words for undoubted
- unquestionable
- indubitable
- undeniable
- incontrovertible
- definite
- unquestioned
- unmistakable
- unchallenged
- incontestable
- doubtless
- uncontroversial
- undisputable
- undisputed
- unarguable
- indisputable
- obvious
- apparent
- evident
- undoubtful
- absolute