Translations: the word in the other languages
- Afrikaans: onbesorg
- Amharic: unconcerned
- Arabic: غير مبال
- Azerbaijani: laqeyd
- Bashkir: битараф
- Belarusian: абыякавы
- Bulgarian: безразличен
- Bengali: নির্লিপ্ত
- Bosnian: nezainteresovan
- Catalan: despreocupat
- Cebuano: mabalaka
- Czech: lhostejný
- Welsh: poeni
- Danish: ligeglad
- German: unbekümmert
- Greek: αδιάφορος
- Esperanto: unconcerned
- Spanish: despreocupado
- Estonian: ükskõikne
- Basque: egunerokotasunarekin
- Persian: جونگ
- Finnish: välinpitämättömiä
- French: indifférent
- Irish: unconcerned
- Scottish Gaelic: unconcerned
- Galician: despreocupado
- Gujarati: બેફિકર
- Hebrew: האדישים
- Hindi: उदासीन
- Croatian: ravnodušni
- Haitian: endiferan
- Hungarian: közömbös
- Armenian: равнодушный
- Indonesian: tidak peduli
- Icelandic: afskiptalaust
- Italian: indifferente
- Japanese: 無関心な
- Javanese: unconcerned
- Georgian: ნერვიულობა
- Kazakh: равнодушный
- Khmer: បារម្ភ
- Kannada: unconcerned
- Korean: 태연
- Kyrgyz: равнодушный
- Latin: unconcerned
- Luxembourgish: unbekümmert
- Lao: unconcerned
- Lithuanian: nesirūpinantis
- Latvian: vienaldzīgs
- Malagasy: tsy miasa
- Mari: йӱкшымӧ
- Maori: mahuenga
- Macedonian: unconcerned
- Malayalam: unconcerned
- Mongolian: unconcerned
- Marathi: चिंता नसलेला
- Hill Mari: кӹжгемӓш
- Malay: prihatin
- Maltese: indifferenti
- Burmese: ပစ္မွဳ
- Nepali: unconcerned
- Dutch: onbezorgd
- Norwegian: ubekymret
- Punjabi: unconcerned
- Papiamento: despreocupado
- Polish: obojętne
- Portuguese: despreocupado
- Romanian: indiferent
- Russian: равнодушный
- Sinhalese: unconcerned
- Slovak: ľahostajný
- Slovenian: neprizadeto
- Albanian: unconcerned
- Serbian: равнодушни
- Sundanese: unconcerned
- Swedish: obekymrade
- Swahili: yanayohusika
- Tamil: மனக்கவலை
- Telugu: పట్టించుకోవు
- Tajik: равнодушный
- Thai: unconcerned
- Tagalog: walang pag-iintindi
- Turkish: umursamaz
- Tatar: равнодушный
- Udmurt: бездытэсь
- Ukrainian: байдужий
- Urdu: اداسین
- Uzbek: unconcerned
- Vietnamese: không quan tâm
- Xhosa: unconcerned
- Yiddish: אַנקאַנסערנד
- Chinese: 漠不关心
Synonyms, close and similar words for unconcerned
- carefree
- heedless
- careless
- lighthearted
- blithe
- insouciant
- disinterested
- indifferent
- impartial
- apathetic
- uninterested
- unmoved
- nonchalant
- thoughtless
- reckless