Translations: the word in the other languages
- Afrikaans: swaar
- Amharic: torrential
- Arabic: غزيرة
- Azerbaijani: leysan
- Bashkir: ҡойма
- Belarusian: праліўныя
- Bulgarian: проливните
- Bengali: মুষলধারে
- Bosnian: pljuskovima
- Catalan: torrencials
- Cebuano: torrential
- Czech: přívalové
- Welsh: trwm
- Danish: voldsomme
- German: sintflutartige
- Greek: καταρρακτώδεις
- Esperanto: torenta
- Spanish: torrenciales
- Estonian: valingutena
- Basque: uholde
- Persian: سیل
- Finnish: kaatosateet
- French: torrentielles
- Irish: torrential
- Scottish Gaelic: s
- Galician: torrenciais
- Gujarati: મૂશળધાર
- Hebrew: זלעפות
- Hindi: मूसलाधार
- Croatian: obilne
- Haitian: toransyèl
- Hungarian: szakadó
- Armenian: տեղատարափ
- Indonesian: lebat
- Icelandic: torrential
- Italian: torrenziale
- Japanese: 集中豪
- Javanese: torrential
- Georgian: გადაუღებელი
- Kazakh: шымкентте
- Khmer: គុណ
- Kannada: ಧಾರಾಕಾರ
- Korean: 호
- Kyrgyz: проливные
- Latin: torrentia
- Luxembourgish: sintflutartige
- Lao: torrential
- Lithuanian: smarkių
- Latvian: lietusgāzes
- Malagasy: anatin'ny
- Mari: озыркан
- Maori: torrential
- Macedonian: torrential
- Malayalam: torrential
- Mongolian: аадар
- Marathi: मुसळधार
- Hill Mari: лож-лож-лож
- Malay: lebat
- Maltese: qalila
- Burmese: torrential
- Nepali: मुसलधारे
- Dutch: hevige
- Norwegian: pøsende
- Punjabi: ਮੋਹਲੇਧਾਰ
- Papiamento: fuerte
- Polish: ulewne
- Portuguese: torrencial
- Romanian: torențiale
- Russian: проливные
- Sinhalese: ධාරානිපාත
- Slovak: výdatným
- Slovenian: divje
- Albanian: rrëketë
- Serbian: јаким
- Sundanese: torrential
- Swedish: skyfall
- Swahili: kubwa iliyonyesha
- Tamil: பேய்
- Telugu: కుండపోత
- Tajik: проливные
- Thai: torrential
- Tagalog: torrential
- Turkish: sel
- Tatar: проливные
- Udmurt: кисьмам
- Ukrainian: проливні
- Urdu: موسلادھار
- Uzbek: torrential
- Vietnamese: xối xả
- Xhosa: torrential
- Yiddish: טאָרענטשאַל
- Chinese: 暴
Synonyms, close and similar words for torrential
- pelting
- pouring
- profuse