Translations: the word in the other languages
- Afrikaans: ingedagte
- Amharic: thoughtfully
- Arabic: مدروس
- Azerbaijani: fikirli
- Bashkir: вдумчиво
- Belarusian: ўдумліва
- Bulgarian: замислено
- Bengali: thoughtfully
- Bosnian: zamišljeno
- Catalan: pensatiu
- Cebuano: mahunahunaong
- Czech: zamyšleně
- Welsh: feddylgar
- Danish: omtanke
- German: nachdenklich
- Greek: προσεκτικά
- Esperanto: penseme
- Spanish: pensativo
- Estonian: mõtlikult
- Basque: pentsakor
- Persian: متفکرانه
- Finnish: mietteliäänä
- French: de façon réfléchie
- Irish: thoughtfully
- Scottish Gaelic: thoughtfully
- Galician: pensativo
- Gujarati: વિચારપૂર્વક
- Hebrew: מהורהר
- Hindi: सोच समझकर
- Croatian: zamišljen
- Haitian: reflechi byen
- Hungarian: elgondolkodva
- Armenian: вдумчиво
- Indonesian: serius
- Icelandic: hugsandi
- Italian: pensieroso
- Japanese: 祈りの心を持
- Javanese: thoughtfully
- Georgian: thoughtfully
- Kazakh: терең пікірлі
- Khmer: គិត
- Kannada: thoughtfully
- Korean: 신중
- Kyrgyz: вдумчиво
- Latin: decet
- Luxembourgish: nachdenklich
- Lao: ພິຈາລະນາ
- Lithuanian: mąstantis
- Latvian: pārdomāti
- Malagasy: pisaintsainana
- Mari: ыҥле
- Maori: āta
- Macedonian: смислено
- Malayalam: thoughtfully
- Mongolian: бодсоноо
- Marathi: विचारपूर्वक
- Hill Mari: ынгылышым
- Malay: dengan teliti
- Maltese: deliberatament
- Burmese: လေးလေးနက်နက်
- Nepali: thoughtfully
- Dutch: zorgvuldig
- Norwegian: tankefullt
- Punjabi: ਸੋਚ
- Papiamento: festivo
- Polish: starannie
- Portuguese: pensativamente
- Romanian: gînduri
- Russian: вдумчиво
- Sinhalese: කල්පනාකාරී
- Slovak: zamyslene
- Slovenian: premišljeno
- Albanian: mendueshëm
- Serbian: замишљено
- Sundanese: thoughtfully
- Swedish: eftertänksamt
- Swahili: kufikiri
- Tamil: சிந்தனையுடன்
- Telugu: thoughtfully
- Tajik: вдумчиво
- Thai: thoughtfully
- Tagalog: thoughtfully
- Turkish: düşünceli
- Tatar: вдумчиво
- Udmurt: вдумчиво
- Ukrainian: вдумливо
- Urdu: سوچ
- Uzbek: thoughtfully
- Vietnamese: chu đáo
- Xhosa: thoughtfully
- Yiddish: טאָטפאַלי
- Chinese: 若有所思
Synonyms, close and similar words for thoughtfully
- contemplatively
- wistfully
- meditatively
- musingly
- pensively
- moodily
- carefully
- solicitously
- considerately
- reasonably
- kindly
- sagely