Translations: the word in the other languages
- Afrikaans: voortaan
- Amharic: thenceforth
- Arabic: الحين
- Azerbaijani: o vaxtdan
- Bashkir: шул ваҡыттан алып
- Belarusian: з тых часоў
- Bulgarian: оттогава
- Bengali: thenceforth
- Bosnian: thenceforth
- Catalan: va
- Cebuano: sukad niadto
- Czech: od té doby
- Welsh: hynny allan
- Danish: da
- German: da
- Greek: έκτοτε
- Esperanto: tiam
- Spanish: a partir de entonces
- Estonian: sealtpeale
- Basque: thenceforth
- Persian: ببعد
- Finnish: vastedes
- French: dès lors
- Irish: as sin amach
- Scottish Gaelic: thenceforth
- Galician: concello
- Gujarati: વહેંચાઇ ગયો
- Hebrew: משם והלאה
- Hindi: उसके बाद से
- Croatian: od tada,
- Haitian: lè sa a
- Hungarian: ezentúl
- Armenian: այդ ժամանակից ի վեր
- Indonesian: sejak itu
- Icelandic: þaðan
- Italian: allora
- Japanese: thenceforth
- Javanese: thenceforth
- Georgian: thenceforth
- Kazakh: содан бері
- Khmer: thenceforth
- Kannada: thenceforth
- Korean: 그때부터
- Kyrgyz: ошондон
- Latin: thenceforth
- Luxembourgish: well
- Lao: thenceforth
- Lithuanian: thenceforth
- Latvian: thenceforth
- Malagasy: hatrizao
- Mari: тудын жапше
- Maori: reira ano
- Macedonian: thenceforth
- Malayalam: thenceforth
- Mongolian: цаашлан
- Marathi: thenceforth
- Hill Mari: тӹ жеп доно
- Malay: mulai saat itu
- Maltese: thenceforth
- Burmese: thenceforth
- Nepali: thenceforth
- Dutch: af
- Norwegian: thenceforth
- Punjabi: thenceforth
- Papiamento: di ei
- Polish: od tego czasu
- Portuguese: dali em diante,
- Romanian: de atunci încolo
- Russian: с тех пор
- Sinhalese: thenceforth
- Slovak: thenceforth
- Slovenian: od tega trenutka dalje
- Albanian: andej
- Serbian: од тада
- Sundanese: thenceforth
- Swedish: från den stunden
- Swahili: hapo
- Tamil: thenceforth
- Telugu: thenceforth
- Tajik: аз он вақт
- Thai: thenceforth
- Tagalog: magmula noon
- Turkish: bundan
- Tatar: шул вакыттан бирле
- Udmurt: со дырысь
- Ukrainian: відтоді
- Urdu: thenceforth
- Uzbek: thenceforth
- Vietnamese: từ đó
- Xhosa: ngoku ukuya phambili
- Yiddish: דענספאָרט
- Chinese: 此后
Synonyms, close and similar words for thenceforth
- in future
- in the future
- thereafter
- henceforth
- henceforward
- thenceforward