Translations: the word in the other languages
- Afrikaans: vertellers
- Amharic: የሚሰጡዋቸውን
- Arabic: الأصوات
- Azerbaijani: кассиров
- Bashkir: кассир
- Belarusian: касіраў
- Bulgarian: касиери
- Bengali: tellers
- Bosnian: blagajnika
- Catalan: asesino
- Cebuano: tellers
- Czech: pokladní
- Welsh: rhifwyr
- Danish: stemmetællere
- German: Stimmenzähler
- Greek: ταμίες
- Esperanto: tellers
- Spanish: cajeros
- Estonian: tellerid
- Basque: kontalariak
- Persian: پیشگویان
- Finnish: ääntenlaskijat
- French: conteurs
- Irish: áiritheoirí
- Scottish Gaelic: tellers
- Galician: caixas
- Gujarati: જ્યોતિષી
- Hebrew: מגידי
- Hindi: tellers
- Croatian: blagajnici
- Haitian: tellers
- Hungarian: pénztáros
- Armenian: գանձապահներ
- Indonesian: teller
- Icelandic: tellers
- Italian: i cassieri
- Japanese: tellers
- Javanese: tellers
- Georgian: tellers
- Kazakh: кассирлердің
- Khmer: គ្រូ
- Kannada: ಹೇಳುವವರು
- Korean: 창구
- Kyrgyz: кассирлердин
- Latin: tellers
- Luxembourgish: Stimmenzähler
- Lao: tellers
- Lithuanian: kasininkai
- Latvian: kasieri
- Malagasy: mpilaza ny hoavy
- Mari: кассир
- Maori: maori
- Macedonian: tellers
- Malayalam: tellers
- Mongolian: tellers
- Marathi: tellers
- Hill Mari: кассир
- Malay: peramal
- Maltese: tellers
- Burmese: tellers
- Nepali: tellers
- Dutch: vertellers
- Norwegian: tellers
- Punjabi: ਜੋਤਸ਼ੀ
- Papiamento: aros
- Polish: kasjerów
- Portuguese: contadores de histórias
- Romanian: casierii
- Russian: кассиров
- Sinhalese: ෙ ට්ලර්
- Slovak: pokladníkov
- Slovenian: tellers
- Albanian: tellers
- Serbian: касама
- Sundanese: tellers
- Swedish: rösträknare
- Swahili: tellers
- Tamil: கூறுபவர்களின்
- Telugu: చెప్పేవారు
- Tajik: тайерии касбии хазинадор
- Thai: tellers
- Tagalog: tellers
- Turkish: anlatanlar
- Tatar: кассиров
- Udmurt: кассир
- Ukrainian: касирів
- Urdu: tellers
- Uzbek: kelajakni aytib
- Vietnamese: thầy
- Xhosa: tellers
- Yiddish: טעללערס
- Chinese: 出纳