Translations: the word in the other languages
- Afrikaans: vlek
- Amharic: stain
- Arabic: وصمة عار
- Azerbaijani: ləkə
- Bashkir: таптары
- Belarusian: пляма
- Bulgarian: петно
- Bengali: দাগ
- Bosnian: mrlja
- Catalan: taca
- Cebuano: mansa
- Czech: skvrna
- Welsh: staen
- Danish: plet
- German: Fleck
- Greek: λεκές
- Esperanto: makulo
- Spanish: mancha
- Estonian: plekk
- Basque: orban
- Persian: لکه
- Finnish: tahra
- French: tache
- Irish: stain
- Scottish Gaelic: stain
- Galician: mancha
- Gujarati: ડાઘ
- Hebrew: כתם
- Hindi: दाग
- Croatian: mrlja
- Haitian: tach
- Hungarian: folt
- Armenian: տեղում է
- Indonesian: noda
- Icelandic: blettur
- Italian: macchia
- Japanese: 汚染
- Javanese: rereged
- Georgian: stain
- Kazakh: дақ
- Khmer: ស្នាមប្រឡាក់
- Kannada: ಸ್ಟೇನ್
- Korean: 얼룩
- Kyrgyz: так,
- Latin: macula
- Luxembourgish: Fleck
- Lao: ຢື
- Lithuanian: dėmė
- Latvian: traipu
- Malagasy: tasy
- Mari: тамга
- Maori: poke
- Macedonian: дамка
- Malayalam: കറ
- Mongolian: толбо
- Marathi: डाग
- Hill Mari: тамга
- Malay: noda
- Maltese: tebgħa
- Burmese: အစွန်းအထင်း
- Nepali: दाग
- Dutch: vlek
- Norwegian: flekken
- Punjabi: ਦਾਗ਼
- Papiamento: mancha
- Polish: plama
- Portuguese: mancha
- Romanian: pata
- Russian: пятно
- Sinhalese: පැල්ලම්
- Slovak: odolnosť
- Slovenian: madeže
- Albanian: njollë
- Serbian: спот
- Sundanese: kokotor
- Swedish: fläck
- Swahili: doa
- Tamil: கறை
- Telugu: మరక
- Tajik: spot
- Thai: คราบ
- Tagalog: mantsang
- Turkish: leke
- Tatar: пятно
- Udmurt: виштыос
- Ukrainian: пляма
- Urdu: داغ
- Uzbek: dog'
- Vietnamese: vết
- Xhosa: amachaphaza
- Yiddish: פלעק
- Chinese: 污渍
Synonyms, close and similar words for stain
- splotch
- spot
- taint
- slur
- blemish
- blot
- spatters
- spill
- soil
- tarnish
- smirch
- sully
- defile
- spoil
- blotch
- fleck
- smear
- smudge
- grease
- stains
- discoloration
- discolouration
- colorant
- dyestuff
- dye
- colourant
- pigment
- mordant
- wood stain
- dirt
- grime
- coloration
- color
- paint
- coloring
- tinge
- tint
- tincture
- mark
- stigma
- brand