Translations: the word in the other languages
- Afrikaans: pragtige
- Amharic: .
- Arabic: رائعة
- Azerbaijani: parlaq
- Bashkir: күркәм
- Belarusian: цудоўны
- Bulgarian: прекрасна
- Bengali: গুলজার
- Bosnian: odlična
- Catalan: esplèndida
- Cebuano: maanindot nga
- Czech: nádherné
- Welsh: ysblennydd
- Danish: flot
- German: herrliche
- Greek: υπέροχη
- Esperanto: grandioza
- Spanish: espléndido
- Estonian: suurepärane
- Basque: bikain
- Persian: پر زرق و برق
- Finnish: upea
- French: splendide
- Irish: splendid
- Scottish Gaelic: mhòr-chuid dhe
- Galician: espléndido
- Gujarati: ભવ્ય
- Hebrew: נפלא
- Hindi: शानदार
- Croatian: veličanstveni
- Haitian: sipè
- Hungarian: pompás
- Armenian: շքեղ
- Indonesian: indah
- Icelandic: flotta
- Italian: splendida
- Japanese: 素晴らしい
- Javanese: becik
- Georgian: ბრწყინვალე
- Kazakh: керемет
- Khmer: ស្អាតអស្ចារ្យ
- Kannada: ಪ್ರಶಂಸನೀಯ
- Korean: 한
- Kyrgyz: великолепный
- Latin: praeclara
- Luxembourgish: herrliche
- Lao: ງາ
- Lithuanian: puikus
- Latvian: lielisks
- Malagasy: mahafinaritra
- Mari: историй-влак
- Maori: faahiahia
- Macedonian: раскошна
- Malayalam: സുന്ദരമായ
- Mongolian: сайхан
- Marathi: भव्य
- Hill Mari: шӧртньӹ
- Malay: splendid
- Maltese: mill-isbaħ
- Burmese: ကြက်
- Nepali: भव्य
- Dutch: prachtig
- Norwegian: fantastisk
- Punjabi: ਸ਼ਾਨਦਾਰ
- Papiamento: espléndido
- Polish: wspaniały
- Portuguese: esplêndida
- Romanian: splendid
- Russian: великолепный
- Sinhalese: අලංකාර
- Slovak: nádherné
- Slovenian: čudovito
- Albanian: shkëlqyer
- Serbian: сјајан
- Sundanese: endah manan
- Swedish: splendid
- Swahili: kifalme
- Tamil: அற்புத
- Telugu: అద్భుతమైన
- Tajik: лӯъбатаки
- Thai: ให้เขาให้เขา
- Tagalog: kahanga-hangang
- Turkish: muhteşem
- Tatar: искитмәле
- Udmurt: чебер
- Ukrainian: чудовий
- Urdu: شاندار
- Uzbek: ajoyib
- Vietnamese: lộng lẫy
- Xhosa: splendid
- Yiddish: גלענצנדיק
- Chinese: 灿烂
Synonyms, close and similar words for splendid
- magnificent
- luxurious
- gorgeous
- sumptuous
- majestic
- stately
- grandiose
- proud
- luxuriant
- imposing
- lovely
- perfect
- quality
- fine
- superior
- noble
- superlative
- marvelous
- groovy
- top
- brilliant
- candescent
- superb
- wonderful
- great
- excellent
- beautiful
- awesome
- remarkable
- sensational
- splendiferous
- immense
- resplendent
- shining
- marvellous
- lush
- luxury
- chic
- grand
- epic
- stunning
- admirable
- terrific
- delightful
- scrumptious
- heavenly
- shiny
- glittering
- bright
- lustrous
- fantastic
- fabulous
- delicious
- glorious
- famous
- brave
- posh
- swell
- nifty
- dandy
- regal
- royal
- beaming
- radiant
- effulgent
- glowing
- gallant
- dazzling