Translations: the word in the other languages
- Afrikaans: onderdruk
- Amharic: repress
- Arabic: قمع
- Azerbaijani: репрессируют
- Bashkir: репрессияға
- Belarusian: рэпрэсуюць
- Bulgarian: репрессируют
- Bengali: দমন
- Bosnian: potiskivanje
- Catalan: reprimir
- Cebuano: repress
- Czech: potlačit
- Welsh: repress
- Danish: undertrykke
- German: unterdrücken
- Greek: καταστολή
- Esperanto: subpremi
- Spanish: reprimir
- Estonian: represseerivad
- Basque: eduki
- Persian: سرکوب
- Finnish: tukahduttaa
- French: réprimer
- Irish: repress
- Scottish Gaelic: repress
- Galician: reprimir
- Gujarati: દબાવી
- Hebrew: להדחיק
- Hindi: दबाने
- Croatian: репрессируют
- Haitian: répwésyon
- Hungarian: elfojtás
- Armenian: репрессируют
- Indonesian: menekan
- Icelandic: bæla
- Italian: reprimere
- Japanese: repress
- Javanese: nindhes
- Georgian: იდეას
- Kazakh: репрессируют
- Khmer: repress
- Kannada: repress
- Korean: 억제
- Kyrgyz: репрессируют
- Latin: repress
- Luxembourgish: stylesheet
- Lao: repress
- Lithuanian: nuslopinti
- Latvian: apspiest
- Malagasy: hamoritra
- Mari: репрессироватлаш
- Maori: repress
- Macedonian: repress
- Malayalam: repress
- Mongolian: repress
- Marathi: मारणे
- Hill Mari: репрессируйымы
- Malay: menindas
- Maltese: joħonqu
- Burmese: repress
- Nepali: repress
- Dutch: onderdrukken
- Norwegian: rentefastsettelsen
- Punjabi: repress
- Papiamento: primi
- Polish: karzą
- Portuguese: reprimir
- Romanian: reprima
- Russian: репрессируют
- Sinhalese: repress
- Slovak: potlačiť
- Slovenian: zatiranje
- Albanian: shtypin
- Serbian: репрессируют
- Sundanese: nindes
- Swedish: för att förtränga
- Swahili: kukandamiza
- Tamil: ஒடுக்குவதற்காக
- Telugu: repress
- Tajik: репрессируют
- Thai: repress
- Tagalog: supilin
- Turkish: bastırmak
- Tatar: репрессируют
- Udmurt: репрессировать
- Ukrainian: репресують
- Urdu: دبانے
- Uzbek: repress
- Vietnamese: đàn áp
- Xhosa: repress
- Yiddish: ריפּרעס
- Chinese: 压抑
Synonyms, close and similar words for repress
- suppress
- subject to repression
- oppress
- overwhelm
- overpower
- quell
- quash
- crush
- stifle
- put down
- depress
- crack down
- submerge
- inhibit
- restrain
- hold back
- squelch
- snuff
- silence
- subdue
- subjugate
- swallow
- smother
- strangle
- choke
- muffle