Translations: the word in the other languages
- Afrikaans: rus
- Amharic: repose
- Arabic: راحة
- Azerbaijani: отдохновение
- Bashkir: отдохновение
- Belarusian: адпачыванне
- Bulgarian: извън обичайната дейност
- Bengali: বিশ্রাম
- Bosnian: pokoj
- Catalan: repòs
- Cebuano: kalinaw
- Czech: klidu
- Welsh: repose
- Danish: hvile
- German: Ruhe
- Greek: ανάπαυση
- Esperanto: ripozo
- Spanish: reposo
- Estonian: rahulikus
- Basque: atseden
- Persian: سکون
- Finnish: lepo
- French: repos
- Irish: quies
- Scottish Gaelic: repose
- Galician: repouso
- Gujarati: આરામ
- Hebrew: מנוחה
- Hindi: सोना
- Croatian: отдохновение
- Haitian: somèy
- Hungarian: pihenés
- Armenian: отдохновение
- Indonesian: istirahat
- Icelandic: hvíla mig
- Italian: riposo
- Japanese: 安息
- Javanese: repose
- Georgian: repose
- Kazakh: отдохновение
- Khmer: ពឹងពាក់
- Kannada: ರಿಪೋಸ್
- Korean: 휴식
- Kyrgyz: отдохновение
- Latin: quietem
- Luxembourgish: Rou
- Lao: repose
- Lithuanian: repose
- Latvian: atpūta
- Malagasy: repose
- Mari: кандарет
- Maori: wawaenga noa
- Macedonian: repose
- Malayalam: repose
- Mongolian: амар амгаланг олохыг
- Marathi: शांत
- Hill Mari: отдохновение
- Malay: berehat?
- Maltese: ruħ
- Burmese: နေသည်
- Nepali: repose
- Dutch: rust
- Norwegian: repose
- Punjabi: ਉਮੇਦ
- Papiamento: sosiegu
- Polish: odpoczynek
- Portuguese: repouso
- Romanian: odihna
- Russian: отдохновение
- Sinhalese: ලියනලද
- Slovak: oddychu
- Slovenian: repose
- Albanian: pushim
- Serbian: предах
- Sundanese: repose
- Swedish: vila
- Swahili: mapumziko
- Tamil: இளைப்பாறச்
- Telugu: నిద్ర
- Tajik: отдохновение
- Thai: repose
- Tagalog: pahinga
- Turkish: yaslanmak
- Tatar: отдохновение
- Udmurt: отдохновение
- Ukrainian: відпочинок
- Urdu: آرام
- Uzbek: zamin
- Vietnamese: nghỉ ngơi
- Xhosa: repose
- Yiddish: מענוכע
- Chinese: 休止
Synonyms, close and similar words for repose
- rest
- respite
- leisure
- relaxation
- peace of mind
- ease
- lounge
- peace
- quiescence
- peacefulness
- quiet
- have a rest
- relax
- calm
- hush
- bask
- serenity
- tranquillity
- calmness
- restfulness
- quietude
- placidity
- stillness
- composure
- quietness
- sleep
- slumber
- lay
- entrust
- vest
- still
- coolness
- cool