Translations: the word in the other languages
- Afrikaans: plomp
- Amharic: plump
- Arabic: طبطب
- Azerbaijani: toppuşdu
- Bashkir: толстенький
- Belarusian: тоўсценькі
- Bulgarian: толстенький
- Bengali: দ্বিধাহীনভাবে
- Bosnian: popunjen
- Catalan: grassoneta
- Cebuano: puno
- Czech: baculatá
- Welsh: tew
- Danish: plump
- German: plump
- Greek: παχουλό
- Esperanto: diketa
- Spanish: regordeta
- Estonian: lihav
- Basque: plump
- Persian: چاق و چله
- Finnish: pullea
- French: dodu
- Irish: plump
- Scottish Gaelic: plump
- Galician: gordo
- Gujarati: ભરાવદાર
- Hebrew: שמנמן
- Hindi: मोटा
- Croatian: bucmast
- Haitian: gra
- Hungarian: kövér
- Armenian: толстенький
- Indonesian: gemuk
- Icelandic: dúnmjúkir
- Italian: paffuto
- Japanese: ふっくら
- Javanese: plump
- Georgian: plump
- Kazakh: толстенький
- Khmer: ក្រាស់
- Kannada: ಕೊಬ್ಬಿದ
- Korean: 통통
- Kyrgyz: толстенький
- Latin: plenus
- Luxembourgish: plump
- Lao: ຫໍ່
- Lithuanian: drūtas
- Latvian: briest
- Malagasy: plump
- Mari: толстенький
- Maori: plump
- Macedonian: дебеличка
- Malayalam: ധൃതിയിൽ
- Mongolian: махлаг
- Marathi: गोंडस
- Hill Mari: толстенький
- Malay: berisi
- Maltese: bil
- Burmese: ဖြိုး
- Nepali: पोटिलो
- Dutch: mollig
- Norwegian: plumpe
- Punjabi: plump
- Papiamento: regata
- Polish: grubiutki
- Portuguese: gordo
- Romanian: grăsuț
- Russian: толстенький
- Sinhalese: පෘෂ්ටිමත්
- Slovak: bacuľatá
- Slovenian: debelušen
- Albanian: shëndoshet
- Serbian: толстенький
- Sundanese: plump
- Swedish: trinda
- Swahili: nono
- Tamil: குண்டாகவும்
- Telugu: బొద్దుగా
- Tajik: толстенький
- Thai: อ้วน
- Tagalog: plump
- Turkish: dolgun
- Tatar: толстенький
- Udmurt: толстенький
- Ukrainian: товстенький
- Urdu: بولڈ
- Uzbek: plump
- Vietnamese: plump
- Xhosa: plump
- Yiddish: פליישיק
- Chinese: 丰满
Synonyms, close and similar words for plump
- chubby
- pudgy
- tubby
- rotund
- cherubic
- thick
- lush
- thump
- plunk
- fleshy
- bulky
- podgy
- fat
- put on weight
- fatty
- rounded
- portly
- obese
- corpulent
- full
- overweight
- round
- fatten
- directly
- straight