Translations: the word in the other languages
- Afrikaans: noemenswaardige
- Amharic: notable
- Arabic: ملحوظة
- Azerbaijani: görünən
- Bashkir: күренеп
- Belarusian: прыкметныя
- Bulgarian: забележими
- Bengali: উল্লেখযোগ্য
- Bosnian: zapažen
- Catalan: notable
- Cebuano: taw-taw nga
- Czech: pozoruhodné
- Welsh: nodedig
- Danish: bemærkelsesværdigt
- German: bemerkenswert
- Greek: αξιοσημείωτη
- Esperanto: rimarkindaj
- Spanish: notable
- Estonian: tähelepanuväärne
- Basque: nabarmentzekoa
- Persian: قابل توجه
- Finnish: merkittäviä
- French: notable
- Irish: suntasach
- Scottish Gaelic: ainmeil
- Galician: notable
- Gujarati: નોંધપાત્ર
- Hebrew: ראוי לציון
- Hindi: उल्लेखनीय
- Croatian: zapažene
- Haitian: remakab
- Hungarian: figyelemre méltó
- Armenian: նկատելի
- Indonesian: penting
- Icelandic: athyglisverð
- Italian: notevole
- Japanese: 特徴
- Javanese: kacathet
- Georgian: აღსანიშნავია
- Kazakh: елеулі
- Khmer: សម្គាល់
- Kannada: ಗಮನಾರ್ಹ
- Korean: 주목할
- Kyrgyz: заметные
- Latin: insignis
- Luxembourgish: bemierkenswäert
- Lao: ສັງ
- Lithuanian: įsidėmėtina
- Latvian: vērā ņemami
- Malagasy: malaza
- Mari: пале
- Maori: nui
- Macedonian: познат
- Malayalam: ശ്രദ്ധേയമായ
- Mongolian: алдартай
- Marathi: लक्षणीय
- Hill Mari: пӓлдӹрнӓт
- Malay: ketara
- Maltese: notevoli
- Burmese: မှတ်သားလောက်
- Nepali: उल्लेखनीय
- Dutch: opmerkelijk
- Norwegian: bemerkelsesverdige
- Punjabi: ਮਹਿਮਾਮਈ
- Papiamento: riparabel
- Polish: zauważalne
- Portuguese: notável
- Romanian: notabile
- Russian: заметные
- Sinhalese: සැලකිය යුතු
- Slovak: pozoruhodný
- Slovenian: opazno
- Albanian: dukshëm
- Serbian: значајне
- Sundanese: kasohor
- Swedish: anmärkningsvärt
- Swahili: mashuhuri
- Tamil: குறிப்பிடத்தக்க
- Telugu: గుర్తించదగిన
- Tajik: намоен
- Thai: notable
- Tagalog: memorable
- Turkish: dikkate değer
- Tatar: заметные
- Udmurt: тодмаське
- Ukrainian: помітні
- Urdu: قابل ذکر
- Uzbek: buyuk
- Vietnamese: đáng chú ý
- Xhosa: notable
- Yiddish: נאָוטאַבאַל
- Chinese: 值得注意
Synonyms, close and similar words for notable
- prominent
- appreciable
- conspicuous
- observable
- eminent
- outstanding
- palpable
- preeminent
- remarkable
- noteworthy
- significant
- memorable
- perceptible
- noticeable
- discernible
- noble
- famous
- renowned
- illustrious
- known
- famed
- prestigious
- marked
- celebrated
- considerable
- celebrity
- be distinguished
- distinguished
- obvious
- apparent
- evident
- pronounced
- standout
- salient
- bright
- luminous