Translations: the word in the other languages
- Afrikaans: edele
- Amharic: ግምገማ
- Arabic: النبيلة
- Azerbaijani: nəcib
- Bashkir: аҫыл
- Belarusian: высакародны
- Bulgarian: благороден
- Bengali: নোবল
- Bosnian: plemeniti
- Catalan: noble
- Cebuano: halangdon
- Czech: ušlechtilý
- Welsh: noble
- Danish: noble
- German: Edel
- Greek: ευγενής
- Esperanto: nobla
- Spanish: noble
- Estonian: üllas
- Basque: noble
- Persian: شریف
- Finnish: jalo
- French: noble
- Irish: uasal
- Scottish Gaelic: noble
- Galician: nobre
- Gujarati: ઉમદા
- Hebrew: אצילי
- Hindi: महान
- Croatian: plemenita
- Haitian: nòb
- Hungarian: nemes
- Armenian: ազնիվ
- Indonesian: mulia
- Icelandic: göfugt
- Italian: nobile
- Japanese: 貴
- Javanese: noble
- Georgian: კეთილშობილური
- Kazakh: керемет
- Khmer: ថ្នូរ
- Kannada: ನೋಬಲ್
- Korean: 고귀한
- Kyrgyz: благородный
- Latin: nobilis
- Luxembourgish: Edel
- Lao: ສູງ
- Lithuanian: kilnus
- Latvian: noble
- Malagasy: mendri-kaja
- Mari: суапле
- Maori: rangatira
- Macedonian: благородна
- Malayalam: മാന്യനായ
- Mongolian: эрхэм
- Marathi: थोर
- Hill Mari: суапле
- Malay: yang mulia
- Maltese: nobbli
- Burmese: အရိယာ
- Nepali: महान
- Dutch: noble
- Norwegian: edel
- Punjabi: ਚੰਗੇ
- Papiamento: prominente
- Polish: szlachetny
- Portuguese: nobre
- Romanian: nobil
- Russian: благородный
- Sinhalese: උතුම්
- Slovak: ušľachtilý
- Slovenian: oplemenitena
- Albanian: fisnik
- Serbian: племенити
- Sundanese: mulya
- Swedish: noble
- Swahili: vyeo
- Tamil: உன்னத
- Telugu: నోబెల్
- Tajik: noble
- Thai: ชั้นสูง
- Tagalog: marangal
- Turkish: asil
- Tatar: игелекле
- Udmurt: йӧно
- Ukrainian: благородний
- Urdu: عظیم
- Uzbek: ezgu
- Vietnamese: noble
- Xhosa: noble
- Yiddish: איידעלע
- Chinese: 高贵
Synonyms, close and similar words for noble
- precious
- aristocratic
- genteel
- notable
- valiant
- brave
- honourable
- honorable
- nobleman
- noblesse
- lord
- generous
- highborn
- fine
- gentle
- groovy
- marvelous
- gallant
- valorous
- chivalrous
- heroic
- redoubtable
- magnanimous
- lofty
- stately
- majestic
- glorious
- proud
- distinguished
- magnificent
- illustrious
- superb
- splendid
- outstanding
- grandiose
- imposing
- beautiful
- great
- wonderful
- awesome
- grand
- august
- lovely
- marvellous
- superlative
- sublime
- high
- respectable
- righteous
- decent
- honest
- lordly
- patrician
- elevated
- regal
- royal
- classic