Translations: the word in the other languages
- Afrikaans: welige
- Amharic: lush
- Arabic: المورقة
- Azerbaijani: sulu
- Bashkir: ҡупшы
- Belarusian: пышныя
- Bulgarian: буйни
- Bengali: ঘন
- Bosnian: bujna
- Catalan: lush
- Cebuano: lush
- Czech: svěží
- Welsh: gwyrddlas
- Danish: frodige
- German: üppige
- Greek: πλούσια
- Esperanto: abunda
- Spanish: exuberante
- Estonian: lopsakas
- Basque: minaren
- Persian: شکوه
- Finnish: rehevä
- French: lush
- Irish: lush
- Scottish Gaelic: lush
- Galician: exuberante
- Gujarati: કૂણું
- Hebrew: שופעת
- Hindi: रसीला
- Croatian: bujna
- Haitian: fertile
- Hungarian: buja
- Armenian: փարթամ
- Indonesian: subur
- Icelandic: lush
- Italian: lussureggiante
- Japanese: 緑豊かな
- Javanese: gembur
- Georgian: აყვავებულ
- Kazakh: сәнді
- Khmer: ខៀវ
- Kannada: ಸೊಂಪಾದ
- Korean: 성
- Kyrgyz: пышные
- Latin: opimae
- Luxembourgish: üppige
- Lao: ບຜິດຊອບ
- Lithuanian: sodrus
- Latvian: sulīgs
- Malagasy: maitso mavana
- Mari: вужга
- Maori: timera
- Macedonian: lush
- Malayalam: table of contents
- Mongolian: өтгөн
- Marathi: समृद्धीचे
- Hill Mari: одар
- Malay: subur
- Maltese: kotran u frisk
- Burmese: စိမ်းလန်းစိုပြေ
- Nepali: रसीला
- Dutch: weelderige
- Norwegian: frodig
- Punjabi: ਹਰੇ
- Papiamento: exuberante
- Polish: bujne
- Portuguese: exuberante
- Romanian: luxuriante
- Russian: пышные
- Sinhalese: සශ්රීක
- Slovak: svieža
- Slovenian: bujne
- Albanian: harlisur
- Serbian: бујна
- Sundanese: subur
- Swedish: lummig
- Swahili: lush
- Tamil: பசுமையான
- Telugu: లష్
- Tajik: харони
- Thai: lush
- Tagalog: malago
- Turkish: yemyeşil
- Tatar: пышные
- Udmurt: ӝуй-ӝуй
- Ukrainian: пишні
- Urdu: سرسبز
- Uzbek: yam -
- Vietnamese: tươi tốt
- Xhosa: lush
- Yiddish: לאַש
- Chinese: 郁郁葱葱
Synonyms, close and similar words for lush
- curvy
- puffy
- riotous
- luxuriant
- fluffy
- rambunctious
- boisterous
- fruitful
- opulent
- prosperous
- dense
- rich
- gorgeous
- magnificent
- sumptuous
- splendid
- luxurious
- ornate
- thick
- plump
- luscious
- juicy
- sappy
- tasty
- bouffant
- fat
- voluptuous
- luxury
- plush
- succulent
- lavish
- pompous
- exuberant
- rampant
- flamboyant
- thriving
- overgrown
- weedy
- verdant
- mellow
- profuse
- flourishing
- green
- prospering