Translations: the word in the other languages
- Afrikaans: ontugtige
- Amharic: lewd
- Arabic: بذيئة
- Azerbaijani: ədəbsiz
- Bashkir: непристойный
- Belarusian: непрыстойныя
- Bulgarian: неприлични
- Bengali: লুচ্চা
- Bosnian: nepristojan
- Catalan: lasciu
- Cebuano: binastos
- Czech: obscénní
- Welsh: anllad
- Danish: uanstændigt
- German: unzüchtig
- Greek: άσεμνες
- Esperanto: lascivaj
- Spanish: lascivo
- Estonian: lewd
- Basque: lewd
- Persian: هرزه
- Finnish: rivoa
- French: obscènes
- Irish: lewd
- Scottish Gaelic: lewd
- Galician: indecentes
- Gujarati: લંપટ
- Hebrew: זימה.
- Hindi: अशिष्ट
- Croatian: opscene
- Haitian: devègonde
- Hungarian: erkölcstelen
- Armenian: անպարկեշտ
- Indonesian: cabul
- Icelandic: níðingsverk
- Italian: lascivo
- Japanese: lewd
- Javanese: lewd
- Georgian: lewd
- Kazakh: непристойные
- Khmer: ស៊ិ
- Kannada: ನೀಚ
- Korean: 음란
- Kyrgyz: непристойные
- Latin: lewd
- Luxembourgish: unzüchtig
- Lao: ການແປ
- Lithuanian: nepadorūs
- Latvian: neķītri
- Malagasy: vetaveta
- Mari: пышткойшо
- Maori: kikino
- Macedonian: непристојни
- Malayalam: creepy
- Mongolian: lewd
- Marathi: spike
- Hill Mari: худан
- Malay: cabul
- Maltese: lewd
- Burmese: lewd
- Nepali: lewd
- Dutch: geil
- Norwegian: utuktige
- Punjabi: ਭੈੜੇ
- Papiamento: pasivo
- Polish: nieprzyzwoite
- Portuguese: lasciva
- Romanian: indecent
- Russian: непристойные
- Sinhalese: සල්ලාල
- Slovak: oplzlej
- Slovenian: nespodobnih
- Albanian: shthurura
- Serbian: непристојан
- Sundanese: lewd
- Swedish: oanständigt
- Swahili: wachafu
- Tamil: கீழ்த்தரமான
- Telugu: అసభ్యకరమైన
- Tajik: алоқаи ҷинсӣ бо
- Thai: lewd
- Tagalog: malaswa
- Turkish: iffetsiz
- Tatar: непристойные
- Udmurt: гольтыръяське
- Ukrainian: непристойні
- Urdu: فحش
- Uzbek: lewd
- Vietnamese: dâm dục
- Xhosa: lewd
- Yiddish: ויסגעלאַסן
- Chinese: 淫荡
Synonyms, close and similar words for lewd
- obscene
- indecent
- unseemly
- indecorous
- scurrilous
- ithyphallic
- suggestive
- racy
- lustful
- salacious
- prurient
- lecherous
- libidinous
- promiscuous
- dissolute
- raunchy
- corrupt
- concupiscent
- lascivious
- depraved
- smutty
- filthy
- bawdy
- profligate
- shameless
- unashamed
- wanton
- reprobate
- horny
- vulgar
- gross
- licentious
- nasty
- foul
- coarse
- dirty