Translations: the word in the other languages
- Afrikaans: fel
- Amharic: fiercely
- Arabic: بشراسة
- Azerbaijani: люто
- Bashkir: лютый
- Belarusian: люта
- Bulgarian: люто
- Bengali: ভীষণভাবে
- Bosnian: žestoko
- Catalan: feroçment
- Cebuano: ab
- Czech: divoce
- Welsh: ffyrnig
- Danish: voldsomt
- German: heftig
- Greek: έντονα
- Esperanto: furioze
- Spanish: ferozmente
- Estonian: raevukalt
- Basque: ferozmente
- Persian: به شدت
- Finnish: kiivaasti
- French: farouchement
- Irish: fiercely
- Scottish Gaelic: fiercely
- Galician: ferozmente
- Gujarati: ઉગ્રતાથી
- Hebrew: בעוז
- Hindi: जमकर
- Croatian: hrle žestoko
- Haitian: fòseman
- Hungarian: hevesen
- Armenian: люто
- Indonesian: keras
- Icelandic: ákaflega
- Italian: ferocemente
- Japanese: 激しく
- Javanese: tendean
- Georgian: სასტიკად
- Kazakh: люто
- Khmer: យ៉ាងខ្លាំង
- Kannada: ಉಗ್ರವಾಗಿ
- Korean: 치열한
- Kyrgyz: люто
- Latin: ferociter
- Luxembourgish: hefteg
- Lao: ເດືອດ
- Lithuanian: nuožmiai
- Latvian: nikni
- Malagasy: mafy
- Mari: аяр
- Maori: kaha
- Macedonian: жестоко
- Malayalam: ചൂടേറിയ
- Mongolian: ширүүн
- Marathi: तीव्रपणे
- Hill Mari: аяр
- Malay: garang
- Maltese: bil-biża
- Burmese: ထန်
- Nepali: fiercely
- Dutch: fel
- Norwegian: sterkt
- Punjabi: ਨੇ ਬਹਾਦਰੀ ਨਾਲ
- Papiamento: felismente
- Polish: ostro
- Portuguese: ferozmente
- Romanian: cu înverșunare
- Russian: люто
- Sinhalese: දැඩි
- Slovak: zlostne
- Slovenian: divje
- Albanian: ashpër
- Serbian: люто
- Sundanese: fiercely
- Swedish: häftigt
- Swahili: mkali
- Tamil: கடுமையாக
- Telugu: భయంకరమైన
- Tajik: люто
- Thai: fiercely
- Tagalog: fiercely
- Turkish: şiddetle
- Tatar: люто
- Udmurt: лек
- Ukrainian: люто
- Urdu: انتہائی
- Uzbek: qattiq
- Vietnamese: quyết liệt
- Xhosa: fiercely
- Yiddish: פירסלי
- Chinese: 狠狠
Synonyms, close and similar words for fiercely
- furiously
- truculently
- frantically
- ferociously
- savagely
- passionately
- vehemently
- violently
- wildly
- vigorously
- brutally
- severely
- mightily
- intensely
- heavily
- hugely
- sorely
- desperately
- desperate
- cruelly
- extremely
- incredibly
- supremely
- exceedingly
- eminently
- awfully
- badly
- terribly
- frightfully
- sore
- much
- really
- greatly
- vastly