Translations: the word in the other languages
- Afrikaans: vreeslik
- Amharic: dreadfully
- Arabic: بشكل مخيف
- Azerbaijani: dəhşətli
- Bashkir: ҡот осҡос
- Belarusian: жудасна
- Bulgarian: ужасно
- Bengali: dreadfully
- Bosnian: strašno
- Catalan: dreadfully
- Cebuano: hilabihan
- Czech: strašně
- Welsh: dreadfully
- Danish: frygtelig
- German: schrecklich
- Greek: φοβερά
- Esperanto: terure
- Spanish: terriblemente
- Estonian: kohutavalt
- Basque: dreadfully
- Persian: وحشتناک
- Finnish: kauheasti
- French: terriblement
- Irish: dreadfully
- Scottish Gaelic: dreadfully
- Galician: terrible
- Gujarati: dreadfully
- Hebrew: נורא
- Hindi: dreadfully
- Croatian: strašno
- Haitian: oribleman
- Hungarian: borzasztóan
- Armenian: սարսափելի է
- Indonesian: sangat
- Icelandic: hræðilega
- Italian: terribilmente
- Japanese: dreadfully
- Javanese: sanget anggenipun ngraosaken sakit
- Georgian: საშინლად
- Kazakh: қорқынышты
- Khmer: dreadfully
- Kannada: ಭೀಕರವಾಗಿ
- Korean: dreadfully
- Kyrgyz: ушул жаман
- Latin: haerent
- Luxembourgish: schrecklich
- Lao: ຫຍັງ
- Lithuanian: dreadfully
- Latvian: briesmīgi
- Malagasy: dreadfully
- Mari: шучко
- Maori: e ngaua
- Macedonian: dreadfully
- Malayalam: dreadfully
- Mongolian: dreadfully
- Marathi: घाबरुन
- Hill Mari: лудаш
- Malay: teruk
- Maltese: dreadfully
- Burmese: ဆိုးရွား
- Nepali: dreadfully
- Dutch: vreselijk
- Norwegian: forferdelig
- Punjabi: dreadfully
- Papiamento: terriblemente
- Polish: strasznie
- Portuguese: terrivelmente
- Romanian: îngrozitor
- Russian: ужасно
- Sinhalese: dreadfully
- Slovak: dreadfully
- Slovenian: dreadfully
- Albanian: dreadfully
- Serbian: страшно
- Sundanese: dreadfully
- Swedish: fruktansvärt
- Swahili: dreadfully
- Tamil: பயமின்றி
- Telugu: dreadfully
- Tajik: сахт
- Thai: dreadfully
- Tagalog: katakut-takot
- Turkish: korkunç
- Tatar: кот очкыч хәл
- Udmurt: шимес
- Ukrainian: жахливо
- Urdu: ہولناک
- Uzbek: dreadfully
- Vietnamese: khiếp
- Xhosa: dreadfully
- Yiddish: דרעדפאַלי
- Chinese: 可怕
Synonyms, close and similar words for dreadfully
- terribly
- frightfully
- awfully
- miserably
- shockingly
- fearfully
- terrifically
- terrifyingly
- horrendously
- badly
- disgustingly
- hideously
- horribly
- monstrously
- appallingly
- devastatingly
- tremendously
- dismally
- madly
- incredibly
- insanely