Translations: the word in the other languages
- Afrikaans: veragtelik
- Amharic: contemptible
- Arabic: الحقير
- Azerbaijani: güdən mənfur
- Bashkir: презренный
- Belarusian: пагарджаны
- Bulgarian: презрян
- Bengali: ঘৃণিত
- Bosnian: prijezir
- Catalan: indigne
- Cebuano: talamayon
- Czech: opovrženíhodný
- Welsh: contemptible
- Danish: foragteligt
- German: verachtenswert
- Greek: ποταπός
- Esperanto: malestiman
- Spanish: despreciable
- Estonian: põlastusväärne
- Basque: mesprezagarri
- Persian: خوار
- Finnish: halpana
- French: méprisable
- Irish: contemptible
- Scottish Gaelic: contemptible
- Galician: desprezable
- Gujarati: contemptible
- Hebrew: בזוי
- Hindi: घृणित
- Croatian: prezira
- Haitian: merite
- Hungarian: hitvány
- Armenian: արհամարհելի me
- Indonesian: hina
- Icelandic: fyrirlitlegur
- Italian: spregevole
- Japanese: contemptible
- Javanese: nistha
- Georgian: არარაობა
- Kazakh: презренный
- Khmer: មើលងាយ
- Kannada: contemptible
- Korean: 잔인
- Kyrgyz: презренный
- Latin: contemptibiles
- Luxembourgish: veruechtenswäert
- Lao: contemptible
- Lithuanian: paniekos
- Latvian: nicināms
- Malagasy: contemptible
- Mari: йырнык
- Maori: hanga mo te whakahawea
- Macedonian: contemptible
- Malayalam: contemptible
- Mongolian: contemptible
- Marathi: अशुध्द
- Hill Mari: презренный
- Malay: hina
- Maltese: contemptible
- Burmese: လုတ်
- Nepali: अधम
- Dutch: verachtelijk
- Norwegian: sleipe
- Punjabi: ਤੁੱਛ
- Papiamento: despresiabel
- Polish: podły
- Portuguese: desprezível
- Romanian: vrednic de dispreț
- Russian: презренный
- Sinhalese: පිලිකුල් සහගතය
- Slovak: odsúdeniahodné
- Slovenian: contemptible
- Albanian: përbuzshëm
- Serbian: презира
- Sundanese: nista
- Swedish: föraktliga
- Swahili: kudharauliwa
- Tamil: வெறுப்புக்குரிய
- Telugu: నీచమైన
- Tajik: презренный
- Thai: contemptible
- Tagalog: napakasama
- Turkish: rezil
- Tatar: презренный
- Udmurt: синазькыль
- Ukrainian: мерзенний
- Urdu: حقیر
- Uzbek: razil
- Vietnamese: khinh
- Xhosa: contemptible
- Yiddish: קאַנטעמפּטאַבאַל
- Chinese: 卑鄙
Synonyms, close and similar words for contemptible
- despicable
- vile
- lousy
- sneaking
- ignoble
- sordid
- measly
- miserable
- paltry
- worthless
- pathetic
- ratty
- wretched
- pitiful
- insignificant
- puny
- trifling
- scurvy
- mean
- sad
- pitiable
- deplorable
- low
- snide
- scummy
- dirty
- cheap