Translations: the word in the other languages
- Afrikaans: opvallend
- Amharic: conspicuously
- Arabic: واضح
- Azerbaijani: nəzərəçarpacaq
- Bashkir: һиҙелмәй
- Belarusian: прыкметна
- Bulgarian: видимо
- Bengali: লক্ষণীয়ভাবে
- Bosnian: upadljivo
- Catalan: sospitosament
- Cebuano: conspicuously
- Czech: viditelně
- Welsh: amlwg
- Danish: synligt
- German: Auffällig
- Greek: εμφανώς
- Esperanto: evidente
- Spanish: visiblemente
- Estonian: silmatorkavalt
- Basque: argi
- Persian: آشکارا
- Finnish: näkyvästi
- French: visiblement
- Irish: feiceálach
- Scottish Gaelic: conspicuously
- Galician: visiblemente
- Gujarati: conspicuously
- Hebrew: בצורה בולטת
- Hindi: conspicuously
- Croatian: primjetno
- Haitian: manifèsteman
- Hungarian: feltűnően
- Armenian: ակնհայտ
- Indonesian: mencolok
- Icelandic: áberandi
- Italian: vistosamente
- Japanese: ひ
- Javanese: conspicuously
- Georgian: აშკარად
- Kazakh: майда
- Khmer: conspicuously
- Kannada: conspicuously
- Korean: 눈에 띄
- Kyrgyz: заметно
- Latin: conspicuously
- Luxembourgish: Opfälleg
- Lao: conspicuously
- Lithuanian: ryškiai
- Latvian: uzkrītoši
- Malagasy: conspicuously
- Mari: палынак
- Maori: conspicuously
- Macedonian: јасно
- Malayalam: conspicuously
- Mongolian: conspicuously
- Marathi: conspicuously
- Hill Mari: заметны
- Malay: mudah dilihat
- Maltese: b'mod li jidher
- Burmese: သိသိသာသာ
- Nepali: conspicuously
- Dutch: opvallend
- Norwegian: påfallende
- Punjabi: conspicuously
- Papiamento: posiblemente
- Polish: wyraźnie
- Portuguese: visivelmente
- Romanian: în mod vizibil
- Russian: заметно
- Sinhalese: conspicuously
- Slovak: viditeľne
- Slovenian: označi
- Albanian: dukshëm
- Serbian: приметно
- Sundanese: conspicuously
- Swedish: demonstrativt
- Swahili: hawapo
- Tamil: கலந்துக்கொண்ட
- Telugu: conspicuously
- Tajik: намоен
- Thai: หาตัวไม่เจอ
- Tagalog: conspicuously
- Turkish: bariz
- Tatar: шактый
- Udmurt: шӧдскымон
- Ukrainian: помітно
- Urdu: conspicuously
- Uzbek: conspicuously
- Vietnamese: rõ ràng
- Xhosa: conspicuously
- Yiddish: קאַנספּיקיואַסלי
- Chinese: 明显
Synonyms, close and similar words for conspicuously
- markedly
- noticeably
- visibly
- notably
- prominently
- apparently
- appreciably
- considerably
- perceptibly