Translations: the word in the other languages
- Afrikaans: konfrontasies
- Amharic: confrontations
- Arabic: المواجهات
- Azerbaijani: toqquşma
- Bashkir: бәрелеш
- Belarusian: сутыкнення
- Bulgarian: сблъсък
- Bengali: মোকাবিলার
- Bosnian: konfrontacije
- Catalan: enfrontaments
- Cebuano: confrontations
- Czech: konfrontace
- Welsh: gwrthdaro
- Danish: konfrontationer
- German: Konfrontationen
- Greek: συγκρούσεις
- Esperanto: alfrontiĝoj
- Spanish: los enfrentamientos
- Estonian: vastasseise
- Basque: liskarrak
- Persian: درگیری
- Finnish: yhteenottoja
- French: les confrontations
- Irish: confrontations
- Scottish Gaelic: confrontations
- Galician: enfrontamentos
- Gujarati: સામનો
- Hebrew: עימותים
- Hindi: टकराव
- Croatian: sudar
- Haitian: konfwontasyon
- Hungarian: összecsapások
- Armenian: բախումները
- Indonesian: konfrontasi
- Icelandic: átök
- Italian: scontri
- Japanese: 対立
- Javanese: pasulayan
- Georgian: დაპირისპირებების
- Kazakh: соқтығысу
- Khmer: confrontations
- Kannada: ಎದುರಿಸಿದರು
- Korean: 대립
- Kyrgyz: кагылышуусу
- Latin: confrontations
- Luxembourgish: Konfrontationen
- Lao: ເຊີນ
- Lithuanian: konfrontacijos
- Latvian: konfrontācija
- Malagasy: fifandonana
- Mari: сапнымаш
- Maori: riri
- Macedonian: конфронтации
- Malayalam: confrontations
- Mongolian: confrontations
- Marathi: confrontations
- Hill Mari: ваш
- Malay: konfrontasi
- Maltese: konfrontazzjonijiet
- Burmese: confrontations
- Nepali: टकराव
- Dutch: confrontaties
- Norwegian: konfrontasjoner
- Punjabi: ਬਹਿਸ ਦਾ
- Papiamento: e entrenamentu
- Polish: kolizji
- Portuguese: confrontos
- Romanian: confruntări
- Russian: столкновения
- Sinhalese: ගැටුම්
- Slovak: konfrontácie
- Slovenian: soočenja
- Albanian: përleshje
- Serbian: сукоби
- Sundanese: confrontations
- Swedish: konfrontationer
- Swahili: malumbano
- Tamil: மோதல்கள்
- Telugu: ఎదుర్కొన్నారు
- Tajik: бархӯрди
- Thai: confrontations
- Tagalog: confrontations
- Turkish: çatışmalar
- Tatar: бәрелешләр
- Udmurt: геред
- Ukrainian: зіткнення
- Urdu: تصادم
- Uzbek: qarama-qarshiliklarni
- Vietnamese: cuộc đối đầu
- Xhosa: confrontations
- Yiddish: קאַנפראַנטיישאַנז
- Chinese: 对抗