Translations: the word in the other languages
- Afrikaans: grasuie
- Amharic: chives
- Arabic: الثوم المعمر
- Azerbaijani: шнитт-soğan
- Bashkir: шнитт-һуған
- Belarusian: шнитт-лук
- Bulgarian: див лук
- Bengali: chives
- Bosnian: luk
- Catalan: ceba tendra
- Cebuano: chives
- Czech: pažitka
- Welsh: cennin syfi
- Danish: purløg
- German: schnittlauch
- Greek: σχοινόπρασο
- Esperanto: chives
- Spanish: cebolletas
- Estonian: murulauk
- Basque: tipulin
- Persian: پیازچه
- Finnish: ruohosipulia
- French: la ciboulette
- Irish: síobhais
- Scottish Gaelic: chives
- Galician: cebola
- Gujarati: chives
- Hebrew: עירית
- Hindi: chives
- Croatian: vlasac
- Haitian: siboulèt
- Hungarian: snidling
- Armenian: шнитт-սոխ
- Indonesian: daun bawang
- Icelandic: graslaukur
- Italian: erba cipollina
- Japanese: chives
- Javanese: chives
- Georgian: chives
- Kazakh: шнитт-пияз
- Khmer: ពណ៌ត្នោត
- Kannada: ಚೀವ್ಸ್
- Korean: 향신료
- Kyrgyz: шнитт-пияз
- Latin: sectivi
- Luxembourgish: schnittlauch
- Lao: chives
- Lithuanian: laiškiniai česnakai
- Latvian: maurloki
- Malagasy: chives
- Mari: шнитт-йоҥеж
- Maori: chives
- Macedonian: chives
- Malayalam: chives
- Mongolian: chives
- Marathi: chives
- Hill Mari: шнитт-охыра
- Malay: daun bawang
- Maltese: tiġieġ
- Burmese: chives
- Nepali: chives
- Dutch: bieslook
- Norwegian: gressløk
- Punjabi: chives
- Papiamento: gevoelens
- Polish: szczypiorek
- Portuguese: cebolinha
- Romanian: arpagic
- Russian: шнитт-лук
- Sinhalese: ආරක්සක ප්රධානීහු
- Slovak: pažítka
- Slovenian: drobnjakom
- Albanian: chives
- Serbian: шнитт-лук
- Sundanese: chives
- Swedish: gräslök
- Swahili: chives
- Tamil: இனப்பூண்டு
- Telugu: chives
- Tajik: шнитт-пиез
- Thai: chives
- Tagalog: chives
- Turkish: Frenk soğanı
- Tatar: шнитт-суган
- Udmurt: шнитт-пукыӵ
- Ukrainian: шніт-цибулю
- Urdu: chives
- Uzbek: sabzavot
- Vietnamese: chives
- Xhosa: chives
- Yiddish: טשייווז
- Chinese: 香葱