Translations: the word in the other languages
- Afrikaans: vrees
- Amharic: apprehension
- Arabic: تخوف
- Azerbaijani: tutulması
- Bashkir: тотолоу
- Belarusian: затрыманне
- Bulgarian: задържане
- Bengali: আশঙ্কা
- Bosnian: hvatanju
- Catalan: captura
- Cebuano: kabalaka
- Czech: obavy
- Welsh: pryder
- Danish: frygt
- German: Befürchtung
- Greek: σύλληψη
- Esperanto: aresto
- Spanish: la aprehensión
- Estonian: hirm
- Basque: atzemate
- Persian: دلهره
- Finnish: pelkoa
- French: appréhension
- Irish: apprehension
- Scottish Gaelic: apprehension
- Galician: aprehensión
- Gujarati: ધરપકડ
- Hebrew: חשש
- Hindi: आशंका
- Croatian: pritvor
- Haitian: arèstasyon
- Hungarian: félelem
- Armenian: ձերբակալությունը
- Indonesian: ketakutan
- Icelandic: kvíða
- Italian: apprensione
- Japanese: 不安
- Javanese: apprehension
- Georgian: გააზრებას
- Kazakh: ұстау
- Khmer: ម្ភ
- Kannada: ಗ್ರಹಣ
- Korean: 불
- Kyrgyz: кармоону
- Latin: apprehensionem
- Luxembourgish: Befürchtung
- Lao: ນໍ
- Lithuanian: sulaikymas
- Latvian: aizturēšanas
- Malagasy: ahiahy
- Mari: чарыме
- Maori: manawapa
- Macedonian: приведувањето
- Malayalam: apprehension
- Mongolian: баривчлах
- Marathi: धास्ती
- Hill Mari: кычымашым
- Malay: kebimbangan
- Maltese: arrest
- Burmese: ထိုင်
- Nepali: आशंका
- Dutch: aanhouding
- Norwegian: pågripelse
- Punjabi: ਖਦਸ਼ਾ
- Papiamento: di prevencion
- Polish: zatrzymanie
- Portuguese: apreensão
- Romanian: reținerea
- Russian: задержание
- Sinhalese: සැක සංකා
- Slovak: obáv
- Slovenian: apprehension
- Albanian: arrestimit
- Serbian: притвор
- Sundanese: kahariwang
- Swedish: gripandet
- Swahili: wasiwasi
- Tamil: அச்சம்
- Telugu: దిగులు
- Tajik: дастгир
- Thai: apprehension
- Tagalog: pangamba
- Turkish: endişe
- Tatar: задержание
- Udmurt: чукетэ
- Ukrainian: затримання
- Urdu: خدشات
- Uzbek: ushlash
- Vietnamese: e ngại
- Xhosa: apprehension
- Yiddish: מוירע
- Chinese: 逮捕
Synonyms, close and similar words for apprehension
- presentiment
- anticipation
- fear
- foreboding
- misgiving
- premonition
- dread
- fearfulness
- hunch
- suspicion
- apprehensiveness
- detention
- detainment
- arrest
- arrestment
- understanding
- comprehension
- perception
- appreciation
- anxiety
- uneasiness
- alarm
- disquiet
- concern
- solicitude
- unease
- disquietude
- catch
- grasp
- nervousness
- agitation
- worry