Translations: the word in the other languages
- Afrikaans: gruwelike
- Amharic: abhorrent
- Arabic: البغيضة
- Azerbaijani: iyrənc
- Bashkir: отвратительное
- Belarusian: агідна
- Bulgarian: отвратително
- Bengali: জঘন্য
- Bosnian: odvratan
- Catalan: fastigós
- Cebuano: abhorrent
- Czech: příčí
- Welsh: ffiaidd
- Danish: afskyelige
- German: abscheulich
- Greek: απεχθή
- Esperanto: abhorrent
- Spanish: abominable
- Estonian: abhorrent
- Basque: nazkagarria
- Persian: شنیع
- Finnish: vastenmielinen
- French: odieux
- Irish: abhorrent
- Scottish Gaelic: abhorrent
- Galician: repugnante
- Gujarati: ઘૃણાસ્પદ
- Hebrew: דוחה
- Hindi: घृणित
- Croatian: odvratno
- Haitian: abominable
- Hungarian: iszonyatos
- Armenian: զզվելի է
- Indonesian: menjijikkan
- Icelandic: andstyggð
- Italian: ripugnante
- Japanese: 忌
- Javanese: abhorrent
- Georgian: abhorrent
- Kazakh: жиіркенішті
- Khmer: ខ្ពើម
- Kannada: ಅಸಹ್ಯಕರ
- Korean: 혐오스럽
- Kyrgyz: отвратительно
- Latin: abhorrent
- Luxembourgish: abscheulich
- Lao: ງພໍ
- Lithuanian: atstumiančių
- Latvian: abhorrent
- Malagasy: maharikoriko
- Mari: йырнык
- Maori: abhorrent
- Macedonian: abhorrent
- Malayalam: abhorrent
- Mongolian: abhorrent
- Marathi: तिरस्करीय
- Hill Mari: йӹрнӹк
- Malay: hina
- Maltese: mistmella
- Burmese: ဆုပ်
- Nepali: abhorrent
- Dutch: aberrante
- Norwegian: forkastelig
- Punjabi: abhorrent
- Papiamento: abominabel
- Polish: obrzydliwe
- Portuguese: repugnante
- Romanian: odioase
- Russian: отвратительно
- Sinhalese: පිළිකුල් සහගත
- Slovak: odporujú
- Slovenian: abhorrent
- Albanian: i neveritshëm
- Serbian: одвратно
- Sundanese: abhorrent
- Swedish: motbjudande
- Swahili: adui wa mawazo
- Tamil: கொடூரத் தாக்குதல்
- Telugu: అండొర్రా
- Tajik: кирдори ношоям аст
- Thai: abhorrent
- Tagalog: kasuklam-suklam
- Turkish: iğrenç
- Tatar: отвратительно
- Udmurt: юрӟым
- Ukrainian: огидно
- Urdu: گھنونا
- Uzbek: abhorrent
- Vietnamese: đáng ghê tởm
- Xhosa: abhorrent
- Yiddish: אַבכאָראַנט
- Chinese: 令人憎恶的
Synonyms, close and similar words for abhorrent
- gruesome
- ghastly
- awful
- horrid
- appalling
- horrendous
- disgusting
- execrable
- repulsive
- revolting
- detestable
- ghoulish
- distasteful
- unspeakable
- atrocious
- vile
- hideous
- infamous
- sordid
- shocking
- nefarious
- filthy
- scandalous
- loathsome
- abominable
- obnoxious
- nasty
- evil
- hateful
- hated
- lousy
- repugnant
- odious
- heinous
- noisome
- offensive
- gross
- sickening
- nauseous
- rancid
- foul
- ugly
- horrible
- dreadful
- repellent